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Friday May 16th 1873
Morning wind about W. moderate. Half cloudy, with snow squalls in P.M. See land, and place ourselves in the afternoon about 15 miles East of Sanakk Id. This island has a very large amount of lowland lying south of it. From our position with the middle peak heaving W magnetic the southern end bore SW. Catch a codfish. Sounding 75 fms water Stand off shore at night.
Lon 162.08 & Lat 54°23' n sounded in 45 fms hard bottom. E of Sanakk.

Saturday May 17
9 A.M. calm, clear Wind N. NW. In Lat   Lon
Sanakk 20 middle peak heaving sound in 38 fms rocky bottom Catch many cod & halibut. 4 P.M. sp. 26. W 
Take bearings S End Sanakk reefs bears See opp N End and observe harbor.

Sunday May 18
A dead calm most of the day. Clear & beautiful weather  See Shishaldin & Isanotsky. in P.M. a breeze springs up and takes along for several hours. Water .255.

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[[image]] SW        Sanakk          W


[[image]]  W1/2S      W           W1/2N

next and W3/4N
E end of all NW 1/2 W        S.F. time 2.20
Outlying rocks WWS   


Why S 1/4 S Easternmost [[strikethrough]] 
                   [?] [[/strikethrough]]
                   [?] [?] end next island
W             "
W 1/2 N         "
Why N 1/4 N Peak 0.48.20
WNW = E end [?]
NWWW N ... next [?]
NNW 1/2 W [?] East " "
NWW 3/4 [breaker?] 
                   S.F. time 2.40
Dist about a mile
More rocks WSW   
123 = 4°.16,'15''
3.1.2 = 5°.42,30''
1.2.3 = 160.01.15
21 = 1650 meters


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