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Wednesday June 11
Go out of the little harbor early in the A.M. Day foggy, clearing up about 11 A.M. get out as far as the outer anchorage near the head of the spit and anchor in 12 fms catching a good many cod & halibut and seeing a great many humpback whales. Some killers & finbacks. About 6 P.M. a SE breeze springs up and we sail for Attu. Weather cloudy wind moderate SE.

Thursday June 12
Morning weather thick & cold wind SE. moderate

Friday June 13
Weather thick & foggy part of the time. Wind Easterly moderate.

Saturday June 14
Weather cloudy & foggy all day Wind light in A.M. fresh in evening

Sunday June 15
Cloudy wind fresh, hauls more to the N & W.

Monday June 16
Cloudy and clear by turns. Wind Easterly very light. About 10 A.M. see Bouldyr Island bearing S _mag
About noon take a sounding with

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E end Bouldyr SE by S
W " " [[Dittos for: end Bouldyr]] SE by S 1/2 S

Let go. 40 [[fm?]]
       50    18
       50    38
      100    1.54
      100    3 25
       50    4 21
       50    6.05
      100    7.59
      100   10.03
      100   12.29
200 ? 100   16.51
      100   19.02

[[image: pencil sketch of landscape]]
[[image labels]]
SE by S   22'.26" alt   SE by S 1/2 S
[[/image labels]]