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Tuesday July 29
Foggy & rainy, wind SW. Squally. Clear a little & we start in a boat to examine Kiriloff Harbor. Beat up against tide & nasty sea reach middle point of island & take a few bearings. Then proceed to bight next south and take some tea. Then start to return not having recognized the harbor & seeing a gray object on the hill stand into a shoal rocky bight behind a reef, with a very narrow entrance and found ourselves at the anchorage - so-called. There are about four ft of water at the sheltered portion and seemingly not over 2 fms any where. It is quite unfit for any thing except the smallest vessels and far inferior to Constantine Harbor. Return in 25 minutes to NW head of latter & get aboard just as it begins to rain. P.M. sun out a little. Baker & Noyes get the magnetic & solar azimuth 

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Hack W - 8 27 00
867 - 9  10 44.5

Take these bearings from lowpt
NW of Kiriloff Harbor
East Cape        E 5S
Const. B.  W.Hd. S 65 E
Id               S 48 E
E hd nxt. [[?]]  S 38 E


       N 57 W 25
   Lowpt 62 W

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