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or for some of the unexplained reason. Its position accords better with that given on the Russian Admiralty charts & not that of [[Tebenkoff?]]. P.M. nearly calm with heavy swell on

Saturday Aug 30
Day half clear wind very light or calm with the same [[deadswell?]] make very little head way. P.M. when two miles off Cape Cheerful bearing south, sound in 60 fms. black gravel (fine) Get an observation for altitude on Shishaldin which as well as Isanotsky [[Pogranaia?]] &c. on Unimak ([[Runsk?]] Pass 1817) Making it 8683 feet [[Sanycheff?]] as compared with the heights opposite. Speak the Str. Hutchinson bound for the western Ids with Hennig & Luniefsky aboard, off the W Head of Captains Bay. Later a fresh breeze with squalls from the SE springs up & we lay to about midnight rather than beat in in the dark.

Sunday Aug 31
Beat into the small harbor about 5 A.M. Day rainy squally & stormy from SE. Go ashore after mail but get only one letter from Elliott

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Let go 5.54'. 40"  60 fms

alt  8755  Tebenkoff [[Shishal?]]
     8933  Russ Hydr. Chart
     8683  our obs

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