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large boat and go to Hog Island finish angles from Swinoi and shore line of island. Return to vessel at 6 P.M. Evening rainy
[[line]] Thursday Sept 18. 73 [[line]]
Morning cloudy. Wind light, northerly. Observations for magnetic azimuth. wind very fresh North. Work over clerical work & tracings. About 5 P.M. the Cyane comes in & brings us a large mail
[[line]] Friday Sept 19 [[line]]
Cloudy, wind Northerly moderate. Magnetic azimuth again. Work over pay rolls & get off stuff from storehouse ashore.
Saturday Sept 20
Cloudy fresh N. wind.
Observations for time interrupted by wind & clouds
Work over accounts & letters of official character  Evening over prehistorics
[[line]] Sunday Sept 21 [[line]]
Cloudy light & fresh N wind. Work over various matters packing etc. P.M. dig in cave  Evening, Call on the priest & arrange prehistorics
[[end page]]
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[[image: drawing of shoreline]]
Upper [[?]]
Kitchen [[?]]
Low station
[[image: drawing of cave with word 'Cave' in center of drawing]]