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Southward on our way to San Francisco. Gardner & his partner leave us early in A.M.
A heavy swell from the westward out side. Day tolerably fine & making good time on our course. 
[[line]] Sunday Oct 19 [[line]]
Cloudy commencing with light westerly winds & smooth sea and ending with strong southerly winds and some swell on a good wholesale breeze the later part of the day
[[line]] Monday Oct 20 [[line]]
Blowing half a gale from SE with rain & heavy sea. Vessel pitching & tossing heavily. P.M. toward night clears a little & shifts to the SSW.
[[line]] Tuesday Oct 21 [[line]]
Moderate South wind all day Mostly cloudy with a good deal of swell making an ESE course.
[[line]] Wednesday Oct 22 [[line]]
Day cloudy with moderate South wind all day. Work over means. Evening Holder & I play Capt Herendeen & Noyes at crib for the championship. Win seven but of 14 games Holder has seen the Diomedea nigripes breeding at Gaspar Rico Reef
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Lat 14 n Lon 167 E about NE 
true from the Marshall group
They lay one or two eggs in the
ground. Petrels, Sterna hirundo
& a bird white with long red 
feathers in its tail called by 
Sartons the boatswain. The
eggs of D. nigripes are nearly 
white. Capt. Herendeen says
they are also said to breed 
at the Galapagos Ids. but
is not certain it is the 
same species.
D. nigripes joins us today
Oct 22