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[[line]] Saturday Nov 15 [[line]]
Morning. up to office. Major J.H. Simpson comes in and requests a letter of confidence on my part as he is going to Ann Arbor to clear his reputation of some cloud which Harrington is reported, I think erroneously to have fathered. Get Baker to write a note to Harrington to put him on his guard. P.M. Go down to the P.O. for money order then to office & down to vessel at 2 P.M. Get a lot of things up from the vessel. Have a talk with Davis. Up to office & dinner round to Stearns in P.M.
[[line]] Sunday Nov. 16 [[line]]
Morning, breakfast & up to office and then to church. Write letter & talk with Throckmorton in P.M. Dine at Capt Noyes' and go down to the Union club in P.M.
[[line]] Monday Nov 17 [[line]]
Morning down to P.O. & register Wesleys letter. Then to office down town, see Rey, call at bank. Get Alaska Herald missing Nos. Call on Dick Bush Back to office. See Capt. Herendean. P.M. Academy meeting
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