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North of the Coquille the shore is sandy until Cape Arago is reached. This is Eocene. Going inland at Rocky Pt. about [[strikethrough]] six [[/strikethrough]] 4 miles in, the Miocene begins. Across the entrance there are 20 miles of sand until the mouth of the Umpqua is reached Here is another large mass of rocks referred by Prof. C to the Eocene and supposed to be continuous with the known Eocene of the upper North fork of the Umpqua 20 miles E of Roseburg. 
The Miocene appears on the Coast a little south of Yaquinna Bay, without any Eocene until Astoria is reached. Inland at the base of the coast mts on the Siletz Reservation a fine Nautilus of the pompilius type was collected, probably Eocene. At Astoria the Eocene former