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them in one with a high bluff on east side of inlet (probable Pt. Bede bearing NE by E while the peak bore from us NW. 1/2 W. mag.  Later they bore N 50°E and the peak N 50°W.  At low water there were two low flat rocks and a smaller pointed one visible two miles off.  They are said to be awash at 1/2 tide.
July 22nd 1895
Augustin Id - Volcano.
Anchor in 3 1/2 fms, sand with the S. Pt bearing SE. by S. the west Pt. NW. the peak NE. by E 1/2 E. about a mile from the beach.
The S. pt is sandy and low but the boat landing is best here the beach running off very shoal north of it.  The west point is composed of ashes and volcanic stones forming low bluff banks