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N E 1/2 E mag
[[image - drawing of volcano]]
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North, the south edge of the original crater being highest and apparently overhanging to the north.  Steam issues from fissured black rocks at the edge of the crater in intermittent puffs.  On the south slope arched beds of ejected material crop out on the upper third of the mountain.  The south slope from the crest is about 42°, the northern slope about 35°.  The upper two thirds of the peak are largely snow covered, below much is bare ashes and scattered lava blocks, then more or less herbage with stunted spruce sparsely scattered and low creeping alders.  The borders of the island to the S & West are low humocky and with bogs and small pools.  The South shore has bluffs off variable height, none very high.  The lava is andesitic.