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north along the Cascade divide as far as Hunt's Cove and return, on foot. About 6 miles by horse

Hunt's Cove, Marion County, Oreg., Aug. 25, 1898.
Came over to this point, about 4 miles, to-day, and camped at the uppermost meadow watered by springs. Examined the lateral divides to the westward, overlooking Bingham Basin and Grizzly Basin, Minto Mountain lying between. The timber on all these divides is badly burned, probably three-fourths being gone.

Hunts Cove, August 26, 1898.
Made the ascent of Mount Jefferson to-day. Elevation of camp 5500 ft. The timber up the lower slopes of Mount Jefferson consists chiefly of [[underlined]] Tsuga mertensiana [[/underlined]], with some [[underlined]] Abies amabilis [[/underlined]], and an occasional [[underlined]] Abies lasiocarpa [[/underlined]]. At 7000 feet, [[underlined]] Tsuga mertensiana [[/underlined]] ceased, the remaining trees being [[underlined]] Pinus albicaulis [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Abies lasiocarpa [[/underlined]]. 
The plants above this point were.
Juniperus nana
Polygonum newberryi?
Peucedanum martindalei
Luetkea pectinata.