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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
630309LChart18 00+45.020 092 09 W+45.021 4293Aug 23-24 1932Mounting used early for Mr. Miller's work.
630310LChart22 00+60.021 430 17 E+60.022 4562Aug 23-24 1932
630311LChart21 00+15.022 461 46 W+15.000 0478Aug 23-24 1932x 30311 AC placed on 0h 0°, so AI on this W Reg.
630312LChart23 00+15.000 051 05 W+15.001 2277Aug 23-24 1932
630313LChart6 00+60.001 234 37 E+60.002 2663Aug 23-24 1932