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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1230325LChart17 000.018 271 27 W0.019 3871Aug 26-27 1932
1230326LChart19 00+30.019 390 39 W+30.021 0283Aug 26-27 1932
1230327LChart21 00+15.021 030 03 W+15.022 3289Aug 26-27 1932
1230328LChart21 00+45.022 331 33 W+45.023 4976Aug 26-27 1932
1230329LChart23 00-20.023 500 50 W-20.000 1323Aug 26-27 1932x 30329 Stopped by scud.
1230330LChart3 00+30.001 331 27 E+30.002 4875Aug 26-27 1932