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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
242575LMeteors11 1622 051 30 E+1523 3085Mar 18-19 1950Sky very poor - heavy haze and clouds.
242576LMeteors12 4623 311 24 E+1500 5988Mar 18-19 1950Slight clearing, still cloudy.
242577LMeteors14 1601 011 24 E+1502 3089Mar 18-19 1950Sky still hazy, but clouds dissipating.
242578LMeteors15 4602 311 24 E+1504 0089Mar 18-19 1950Haze dissipating 03 25 - very bright local display of Northern Lights 15°-20° E of N - Vertical Shafts, not rising more than 20°-25° above horizon.
242579LMeteors17 1604 001 25 E+1505 0060Mar 18-19 1950
242580LMeteors17 1605 000 25 E+1505 3030Mar 18-19 1950Closed - Dawn - cirrus forming at 05 20.