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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
6-742587PPolar11 24+9021 172h 00m E+9823 30133Mar 22-23 1950Delay in starting - minor fire in electrical control box - caused by moth - short circuit - no damage done. Very thick clouds to N and E - Small scattered clouds overhead, but sky generally good. 45 sec. break begins 23 28 27. Power failure at 23 36 - lead to electric fuel pump for Le Roi Jr. had worked loose.
642588PPolar14 06+9023 592h 00m E+9004 06247Mar 22-23 1950Drive turned off at 03 59 - Trailed until 04 06.
642589LMeteors1732+9004 081 h 17 m E+9005 1062Mar 22-23 1950Closed region .6 overcast - clouds very bright from dawn light.