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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
324264203 5988Apr 21-22 1950(con't) Meteor - -1 mag., 8° long, yellowish, Lyrid, 03 42 46 11 and Adj. χ and φ Draconis.
3242643LMeteors19 1504 011 09 E+4504 3938Apr 21-22 1950Shutter 1722 rpm at 04 22, steady. Some 60 Lyrid meteors observed tonight. (approx. 6 hrs observing) Many of them bright enough to photograph. These Lyrids were predominantly yellowish in color. Closed - dawn.
32Apr 22-23 1950Complete overcast. VHW. Shutter readings accurate to ± 3 rpm.