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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
102Aug 11-12 195021 00 - rain, .9 overcast, thrug N + S. 22 00 - rain, 1.0 overcast, thrug N + S. 23 00 - rain, 1.0 overcast, thrug at sta. 00 00 - rain, 1.0 overcast thrug at sta. 01 00 - rain stopped, complete overcast. 01 30, - clearing, thrug E.
10242791LMeteors0 0801 441 11 E+4503 0076Aug 11-12 1950Shutter Speed - 02 00 - 737 RPM.
10242792LMeteors1 3803 011 24 E+4504 1473Aug 11-12 1950Shutter Speed - 03 30 - 737 RPM.
10242793LMeteors1 3804 150 10 E+4504 3318Aug 11-12 1950Shutter Speed - 04 25 - 737 RPM. Closed - dawn.