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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
9243128LMeteors9 5800 170 11 E+3900 5235Feb 14-15 1951Set 1 hr too far west.
9243129LMeteors10 5800 530 35 E+3901 3037Feb 14-15 1951Shutter speed at 01 20 699 RPM.
9243130LMeteors12 2801 311 27 E+3903 0089Feb 14-15 1951Shutter speed at 02 59 699 RPM.
9243131LMeteors13 5803 011 27 E+3904 3089Feb 14-15 1951Stopped shutter at 03 43, because shutter again hitting lens mount thin layer of frost has formed on dark slides, trailers, and most everything.
9243132LMeteors15 2804 321 26 E+3905 4573Feb 14-15 1951
9243133LMeteors15 2805 45+3905 549Feb 14-15 1951