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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
116Apr 04-05 195121 00 - .6 cl. 22 00 - overcast. 22 30 - overcast and rain. 00 00 .9 cl. 01 00 - .9 cl. 02 00 - .6 cl, clearing.
11643179LMeteors15 4102 160 43 E+3902 5943Apr 04-05 1951
11643180LMeteors17 1103 011 27 E+3904 3089Apr 04-05 1951Close - clouds moving in rapidly on forming, dawn approaching .6 cl at 04 35.
116Apr 05-06 1951Off.
116Apr 06-07 1951Rain + clouds all night.
116Apr 07-08 195121 00 - rain. 23 00 - rain. 01 00 - rain. 03 00 rain.
116Apr 08-09 195122 00 .8 cl. 00 00 - overcast. 02 00, rain, overcast.