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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
22Oct 30-31 1950Late start - KB cannot operate in scheduled region. Timer lost trying to accomplish above KB now operating on A1 region and vice versa.
2242942LMeteors1 5519 593 31+1520 1516Oct 30-31 1950
2242943LMeteors3 2520 204 40 E+1521 1555Oct 30-31 1950Camera pos. in yoke at this S makes loading impossible. Camera must be covered and moved for loading. Observer forgot to remove cover. Actual exposure starts at 20 53, moon up. Closed - moon, clouds.
22Oct 31-Nov 01 195019 00 - overcast. 20 00 - overcast. 21 00 - overcast. 22 00 - overcast. PSC