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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
12211846α Orionis5 50+7.408 482 57 W+23.210 47Apr 01 1899
12211847Pole10 590 00+90.012 52Apr 01 1899
12211848Occ. 63 Oph.14 512 57 E-24.914 54Apr 01 1899x Var. Star App. with occ. disc. 1 second signals from F 1327. Watch A 14 50 40. Approx. Started 54 20 Approx. Ended. Signals work so poorly that it is impossible to identify the even minute. Frod. time. Emersion of 63 Ophiuchi. C's Watch. 15h 06m 05s (± 1 sec) Sun. Reappeared. As signals were working so poorly, and the above photograph did not show the star. Obs'r made slit wider and watched for the emersion with an eyepiece the above time was when it was run to reappear. C's watch 45 sec slow of Bond 394. 15 06 05 45 slow = 15 06 50 Bond 394. Predicted time of emer. 15h 06m 48s.

Transcription Notes:
Misc. should read "when it was seen to reappear" vice. "when it was run to reappear".