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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
58Feb 04 1899x 11757 Re. Jup. Sat. II. 10 sec. signals through commutator from Bond 394. "0" end precedes. Bond 394 = 1.3s slow. C's Watch. 16 17 53 First movement. 16 29 03 Long break. 16 29 33 Last movement. Large aperture put on. 16 31 23 First movement. 32 43 Last movement. Small aperture put on. 34 03 First movement and long break. 35 43 Last movement. Sky thickly covered with haze, growing thicker over region at time of close. C's Watch 16 21 01 16 22 01 16 23 01. Bond 394 16 21 00 16 22 00 16 23 00. It was very cloudy over moon region, at time of occultation, and as it was much better over Jupiter region, the occultation was abandoned for the Re. of Jup. Sat. II.