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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
17611909Duner 249 46-22.610 180 33 W-22.510 45Apr 28 1899x 11909 Var. Star App. 10 min. signals from Willard through commutator. Plate reversed in holder. Signals failed. 7 48 Moved by hand. (C's Watch)
17611910Duner 249 46-22.610 461 00 W-22.511 21Apr 28 1899x 11910 10 56 (Watch "A") Moved by hand. 11 11 (Watch "A") Moved by hand. 11 21 (Watch "A") Closed.
17611911α Bootis12 141 57 E+17.813 14Apr 28 1899x 11911 Photographic Grating in front of object glass. Spectrum of first order.
17611912α Bootis13 380 33 E+3.814 38Apr 28 1899
17611913β Lyrae18 46+33.215 482 57 E+17.517 43Apr 28 1899