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Blandensburg, Md
May 2nd 1938
The regular monthly Meeting of the Bladensburg union was held on the above date the President presiding.
The devotionals was in charge of the Chaplain.
After the roll call of Officers the President declared the Meeting opened for business.
The Minutes being dispensed with for the present we proceeded to take up the Monthly dues which amtd to $30.40 which was turned over to our treas.
The Minutes of our last meeting was next called for read and approved.

Report next being in order

Bro James our Chm of sick reported that since we met last Bro Carroll Hawkins had passed away he attended the funeral to gather with our Chaplain Sister Broome & two pall beariers Bros Ralph James & Philip Broome Jr. Bro Hawkins the Chm stated was put away nicely. & was well spoken of by the Pastor of his church & officers it was moved and properly seconded that the report from the Chm of Sick be received with thanks.
The report from the Board of Directors was as follows,
1st that we put on a [[strikethrough]] membership [[/strikethrough]] new Deal drive for our anniversary Rally to Culminate the 3rd Sunday in June 
2nd. That Mrs. E. B. Brooks be appointed chairman
3rd: That the union authorize the Chm to have envelopes printed to distribute among the members who will give and solicit as much as they can.
It was moved and properly seconded that the report from the Board of Directors be recd for action