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Motion was made and it was properly seconded that the matter be dropped.
Reports was next called for.
The Chm of sick reported that we had lost one member since our last meeting. Sister Sadie P J Ingram had passed away. he also reported Sister Isabell Mitchell was sick. it was moved and seconded that that the report from the Chm of sick be received.
There was no report from the Board of Directors.
The Treas financial report was next made by our asst treas showing a bal on hand & in Bank $2.917.87. it was moved & sec that the Treas financial report be received.
our Treasurer was authorized by the union to settle the death claim of our Late Sister Ingram with the undertaker.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned 10.40 to meet the second Monday in Sept.

Dismissed by Bro James
Philip Broome Pres
W E Burke. Secy.

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Bladensburg Md
Sept 12 - 38

The regular Monthly Meeting of the Bladensburg union was held on the above date the Pres presiding 
Our devotionals was in charge of Bro Gray the Chaplain being absent.
After the roll call of Officers the Pres declared the meeting opened for business.
The Minutes was dispensed with for the present and we proceeded to take up the monthly dues which amtd to $58.35 which was turned over to our treas.
The Minutes of our last regular Meeting was next read and approved of as read.
Reports was next made.
The Chm of sick asked his assistant to make the report she stated that Mrs Mitchell was still ill also Bernice Gilbert is sick.
The death of Mrs Gardiner was reported a bill from undertaker Rhine was presented for $100.00 for funeral of Sister Gardiner & $320 for 2 death notices the report was received for action. After talking over the paper notice it was approved that the union pay the funeral amt as stated. but that the union only pay the undertaker for notice inserted by the union of $160
This was motioned by Bro Johnson & seconded by Bro Davis properly voted upon & carried
There was no report from the Board.
Report from the Treas was made by our asst treas showing a bal on hand and in Bank $2843.33.