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U. S. S. ALBATROSS,                             Sausalito, Calif.,                              September 23, 1914.

Dr. F. A. Sumner,
Scripps Institution,
La Jolla, Calif.

Dear Dr. Sumner:
     This has been about my first opportunity to reply to your last letter. I know that it was with a feeing of relief that you finally freed yourself of the Bay Report, and the "fighting" that marked its progress.
     I shall see that the officers concerned receive copies, with the exception of Captain Soule, to whom I understand you have mailed one. I shall also send Miss Rathbun, Bartsch, Clark, Kincaid, Smith and Weaver copies.
     We had quite a successful cruise, all told, with respect to the information desired by the Bureau, but with regard to attendant scientific results, - I have in mind the observations desired by McEwen - we accomplished nil. I suppose you heard that the Deputy Commissioner requisitioned the ALBATROSS for about six weeks this past summer for an Alaskan inspection (?) cruise. That period Rankin and I put in at Newport, having at our disposal a chartered launch. At present I am working up our results. 
     The war? I hope the Germans win!