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[[preprinted]] Department of Commerce and Labor [[/preprinted]]

Hotel Frye,
Seattle, Wash.,
June 15, 1914.

Dear Dr. Sumner:
     It was hardly fair for me to pass along the question with regard to the current-meter, but I really could not give them a very satisfactory answer. 
     I suppose the firm of Gurley requested a testimonial, in view of the fact that they supplied you with a cut. 
     Though I didn't expect to see Dr. Kofoid at the time I wrote you, I met him in Seattle at the time of the meeting of the Biological Society of the Pacific.
     Can't you get enough influence together, to over-rule the dissenting member of the editorial-committee? After all the extra work we did to please him with regard to drawing up the tabular form of dredge-table, I think it is a "dirty trick". A hundred reprints, more or less, after the proof is out, make but very little difference in the cost. Should you be allotted only two hundred copies, all told, I'll be content with ten, and I know Johnston willbe. The people I shall want to reach, outside of the regular mailing-list and the one I sent you, are very few indeed.
     Yes, I saw Dr. Everman the day before we left San Francisco, and I was forward enough to tell him that at some future date he might need a curator ([[underlined]] assistant [[/underlined]] understood) in Zoology, I would like to be considered. It's a lame confession to make, I know, but this coast has taken a "holt" on me, and it is with a certain regret that I leave. But then, of course, we never know what the future has in store for us.

No. 205
Ed. 7-2-12--400,000