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[[left corner]]Located at La Jolla near Sand Diego, California[[/left corner]]
[[right corner map of california]]
[[x's over La Jolla]] California
April 24, 1914.
Dear Schmitt:
Thank you for your letter and inclosed data. I have had in mind writing to you for some days. I returned home last Saturday (the 18th.)laden with plunder. That is, I brought about 100 living mice of the kind that I particularly went for, together with some 30 skins. Also send Grinnell a lot of specimens of various species, living and dead.
I have worked your data (temperature, salinity and the record of the bottom-sample trip) into the report. Turned over the galleys to Flinn to-day. I am glad to know of the success of the sampler in deep water, but I hear from a reliable witness that you were "sick as a dog"! Did you know that the salinity for the surface water was only about 1/3 that at the same stations in February, 1912? For the bottom it was about 4/5. The temperature, on the other hand, differed by only 1/2 degree.
By the way, we must decide as to the number of reprints that we want. Ordinarily, an author is given 200. Allen says that, as there are four authors here concerned, we can probably have a larger number (perhaps 300, or even more). A large part of the zoologists that we shall want to reach are doubtless on the regular mailing list of the University, and there will be no need of duplicating. On the other hand, the [[underline]] geologists [[/underline]] will not be reached. For this reason, I am disposed to allow Louderback a larger number than I personally receive. He will need [[carrot inserted manually]] one of [[/carrot inserted manually]] these for each person