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being equal, particularly temperature, this is what one would naturally expect. The fresher, less saline water, composed chiefly of the flow off of the rivers, slightly admixed with ocean water by the tidal changes, would form a layer over the denser, more saline ocean water brought in with the tidal flow. The greater the salinity, the greater the specific gravity will be; consequently the fresh water will tend to keep on top of the more saline lower water layer, and hence have practically no effect upon it. 
   If there are any other points regarding which I may be able to look up for you I shall be only too glad to do it, because I am not sure that what I have given you is just what you wanted. 
   There are just a few more paragraphs which I wish to quote, from the end of the chapter on Temperature of the "Report 2". I think they are of more than passing interest:
   "The mean latitude of ---- Chesapeake Bay is very nearly the same as that of San Francisco Bay. The mean annual water temperature for the former Bay is 14.88°C. (57.89°F.), that for the latter being 12.91°C. (55.23°F.). The chief difference between the temperature conditions of these two bodies of water lies, however, in their respective annual ranges. In Chesapeake Bay this amounts to 22.12°C. (39.82°F.), while in San Francisco Bay it is not much more than a third (38%) as great, being 8.35°C. (15.03°F.).