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List of Papers included in this package addressed to Major Robert Kennicott
St. Michaels, R. Am.

1. Historical Notice &c of Chicago Academy.
2. Proceedings Chicago Acad. 3 signatures.
3. Paper, on a new subfamily of fluviatile Mollusca.
4. Copy of orders, for 1866, for Lieut. W. H. Dall.
5. Memorandum of crews and Passengers, 1866.
6. Copy of orders for captains and directions for collecting.
7. Outfit Sci. Corps for 1866.
8. List of outfit furnished each vessel.
✔ 9. Cala Acad. directions for collecting.
10. Edwards '' '' '' diatoms.
11. Copy of my report to Col. B for 1865.
12. '' '' Bairds last telegram about Chi. Acad. Sci.
13. Copy of circular letter to Scientific men.
14. '' '' letter to Chi. Acad. Sci on leaving.
15. Report to Major Kennicott up to July 1866.
16. Copy of Memorandum for Mr. Mumford.
Copy of Circular letter announcing death and letter to Bischoff.

Transcription Notes:
I added a check mark to the left of the number 9. Should the change from ink to pencil be noted?