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Copy, Headquarters West. Un. Tel. Exp. San Francisco May 28, 1866. Special Order No. 45, I. 1st Lieut, W.H. Dall, Assistant Surgeon in charge of Scientific Corps will be permitted to stop at any station of the Company visited by the Flagship which he may select. II. The officer in charge of the station which Leiut. Dall may select, will furnish him with the necessary quarters and rations. III. Should it be necessary to send a party to the relief of Maj. Kennicott, Lieut Dall has permission to accompany such party, if he wishes. By order of Col. Chas P. Bulkley Eng. in chief Geo. M. Wright Adjutant Note. I drew the above up, myself and it was approved and issued by the Col. W.H.D.
Transcription Notes:
@siobhanleachman - minor edits. Think its ready to complete.