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San Francisco June 10, 1866

Dear Sir
The Expedition starts again for the north in a few days. The prospect for the success of the Scientific work is good. To the liberality of Col. Chas. S. Bulkley, and Capt. P. M. Scammon U.S.R.M. we as well as the scientific world at large are deeply indebted. To them we owe constant kindness and assistance even to personal collecting for the objects in view; and also a liberal outfit for making and preserving collections. We hope to find Messrs Kennicott, Bannister, Pease and Bischoff in good spirits, and successful in their undertakings. Since they were left in the North no word has been recd from any of them and will not be, till we return. I may very possibly if the prospect for making collections is good, remain during the coming winter in the far North. Hoping for your continued interest & sympathy in our work while absent. I remain &c