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excellent business faculties and what he has done and doubtless will do for Science; but I see quite as clearly that his opinion of me is such a one as is incompatible with any further friendly feeling than is exhibited in the usual forms of politeness.  He thinks that he can patronise one, who has always moved when at home, in society which would hardly be open today, to Mr. Walker, and one who by birth and breeding is at least his equal.  
    I have however as I said before been [[underline]]carefully[[/underline]] polite in all my letters to him.
    The Academy was not removed.  A Historical notice of it by Dr. Andrews concluding with a Report on the condition of the Museum at date by Dr. Stimpson; was issued as an opening publication, by the Academy, and was followed by Proceedings the only objection to which was the small size of type and paper and a lack of [[underline]]Scientific[[/underline]] matter.  They are small octavo Brevier type; but large octavo and Burgeois type would have been every way better.  I [[underline]]infer[[/underline]] that the plates and part of the presswork of the first volume of the Transactions were on hand when we left but have no definite knowledge of it. 
    The Historical notice with which the proceedings should have corresponded and the signature already rec'd accompany this Report