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directors at home and the commanders of the Expedition on this coast will be appreciated by naturalists in all parts of the world and its results will keep their memory green when some cheaper and faster mode of communication has supplanted the Telegraph!  The prospective plans in relation to the Nat. Hist. work depend much upon the news to be rec'd from Major Kennicott the director.  But at present they include my remaining at some Northern post during the winter, in the capacity of Quartermaster or Surgeon which will allow of my leisure being appropriated to Natural History.  This will include meteorological and trigonometrical surveys of the adjacent region, as far as circumstances will admit.  Mr. Anassof has promised me the aid of the Russian authorities which will greatly facilitate the work.  I have taken the liberty of making this communication that the operations of the Sci. Corps should be definitely and clearly understood.  I would request that it be kept as private as the interests of the Service will allow.  I remain respectfully Wm H Dall Asst Surgeon in charge Sci. Corps

Mr. G.H. Mumford
Director W. U. Tel. Co
San Francisco

N.B.  I made this communication to Mr. Mumford in view of pending investigations next fall, when I may be away, and no one to deny that the Sci. Corps were a set of fellows who did nothing but catch bugs in brass buttons on high salaries.  W.H.D.