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Go ashore at 7 A.M. with Mr. Baker and attempt observations for time with vert. circle No. 75.  Come aboard at 10 A.M. at three P.M. go out again and continue observations which are soon interrupted by clouds.
Time   Bar.  Air. Sur. water Deep do. Wind
6 A.M. 30.34 41°   39°       41°       W
12 M.  30.38 57   -          -        W
6 P.M. 30.40 54   38         -        SSW
______Monday May 26______
Cloudy nearly calm.  Sailing master Hernendeen goes to Katekhba Bay in a bidarka with two natives to search for a stick to replace our gibboom.  I go ashore and work at adjustments of instruments and testing new telemeter.  P.M. go to Ulatehta Spit and take a series of observations of determining the magnetic azimuth of the base line of [[small triangle]]n of this harbor with observations for astronomical azimuth at the same time, which are interrupted by clouds & wind.  Back by 8 P.M.  Capt Herendeen
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returns without having obtained a spar.
Time.  Bar.  Air. Sur. water Deep do. Wind
6 A.M. 30.48 40°   40°        42°      SW
12 M.  30.47 54   -          -        SW
6 P.M. 30.34 46   40         -        WSW
______Tuesday May 27______
Morning cloudy with occasional bits of clear sky.  Wind NW fresh in puffs.  Go to Ulakehta Spit in A.M. to obtain another series of observations for magnetic azimuth of base line.  Return at noon.  P.M. cloudy wind strong with occasional snow squalls.  Busy on clerical work.
Time.  Bar.  Air. Sur. water Deep do. Wind
6 A.M. 30.24 40   40         42       NW
12 M.  30.20 55   -          -        N
6 P.M. 30.15 42   40         -        N
______Wednesday May 28______
Time   Bar.  Air. Sur. water deep do. Wind
6 A.M. 30.15 36°  40°         42°      N
12 M.  30.10 37   -          -        N
6 P.M. 30.09 36   40         -        NW
Wind fresh with a good deal of sleet and snow.  Min. therm. 32°.

Transcription Notes:
It is likely that the drawing of a triangle followed by "n" is an abbreviation for triangulation.