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Hog Island and set up a new signal on the edge of the bluff on the SW end. 156 feet above the beach; to be called Island Signal  Return to the vessel at 7 P.M, with a dead calm and fog coming in.
______Sunday June 1, 1873______
Time.  Bar.  Air. Sur. water deep do Wind.
6 A.M. 30.10 60°    42°       40     varbl. lt
12.M.  30.15 62     -         -      NE
6 P.M. 30.13 52     47        -      NE
Morning remarkably clear and fine.  Go ashore to the new astronomical [[image - small triangle]] and take a series of observations for astronomical azimuth between the [[image - small triangle]] and the apex of the church cupola.  Max of ther. observed 62°.  Late in P.M foggy wind mod.
______Monday June 2______
Time.  Bar.  Air. Surf. water deep do Wind.
6 A.M. 30.13 44°    45°       40      varbl. lt
12 M.  30.15 60     -         -       NE
6 P.M. 30.15 62     47        -       N
Morning clear & fine wind light.  Min ther 36. P.M. Mr. Baker takes azimuthal observations.  Take the boat Mr. Noyes, Lidinate[[?]] & 3 men
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and start for the site of the old Igognak or Eider village, to erect a signal on the bluff to be used in the [[image - small triangle]]n of the Bay.  Arrive about 1 P.M.  Spend the P.M in erecting the signs which is on the top of the high bluff behind the point. & composed of three scantling stayed & anchored as in the case of the Island [[image - small triangle]].  Return to the spit about 9 P.M. after having taken a series of angles & bearings to determine the position of the signal and a series of telemeter observations to determine its height which is about 522 feet.  Camp for the night.
      From Eider [[image - small triangle]]
     Near Cape Cheerful -
NE shore of Akutan bears N35E
bein[[?]] A. 0°.0'         B 180°.0'.
 Priest Rock bears N511/4E.
          A. 16°.10'       B. 196°.09'.
 S. Head Constantine Bay N76E
          A 41°.05'        B 221°.06'
 North Head [[image - small triangle]] N923/4E
          A 67° 43'        B 237.42