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   End of reef N of Ulakhta Head N1081/2E
   A 73°.22'         B 253°.21'
   Needle Rock bears North 1171/4E
   A 82°.24'         B 262°.24' 
   Keystone [[image - small triangle]] bears N145 3/4E
   A 110°.44'        B 290° 43'
   W Head of Captain's Harbor S 461/4E
   A 119°.20         B 299 .20
______Tuesday June 3______
Time.  Bar.  Air. Sur. Water. Deep do Wind
6 A.M. 30.17 45°   44°         41°     N
12 M.  30.21 49    -           -      NE
6 P.M. 30.22 49    44          -      NE
Go out in the A.M. after breakfast and take some soundings to determine the character of the anchorage. which is in from 22 to 30 fms hard sand & mud. close in to the spit and 30 fms without bottom. further out but still well inside the reef.  The shore is pretty well laid down in the old chart and is the reef which protects the anchorage.  Day fine & clear a little fog on the east side of the Bay.  Start back about noon having a smart breeze after getting about half way over
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______ [[strikethrough]] Thurs [[/strikethrough]] Wednesday June 4______
Time.  Bar.  Air. Surf.water  Deep do Wind
6 A.M. 30.09 39°   44°         45°     NW
12 M.  29.97 53    -           -      N
6 P.M. 30.22 48    46          -      ESE
Cloudy with a little rain wind light in A.M. stronger with a little rain in P.M.  All hands busy filling water & repairing tide guage house
______Thursday June 5______
Time.  Bar.  Air. Sur. water deep do Wind
6 A.M. 29.85 43    44          40     SE
12 M.  29.86 48    -           -      SE
6 P.M. 29.89 44    46          -      E
Rainy with moderate wind.
______Friday June 6______
6 A.M. 30.04 42    44          40     ESE
12 M.  30.11 44    -           -       " [[Ditto for: ESE]]
6 P.M  30.14 46    44          -      SE
Raining all day.  Wind light.
______Saturday June 7______
6 A.M. 30.15 42    43          40     SE
12 M.  30.14 45    -           -      " [[Ditto for: SE]]
6 P.M. 30.14 44    43          -      " [[Ditto for: SE]]
Blowing hard and raining all day
______Sunday June 8______
6 A.M. 30.16 42    42          40     SE
12 M   30.16 46    -           -      SE
6 P.M  30.14 45.   43          -      ESE

Transcription Notes:
Wednesday June 4 12 M. entry for air temperature shows a very faint number, possibly 49, before 53. The faint number is not included in the transcription. Wednesday June 4 6 P.M. entry for air temperature shows 49 with strikeout. Including this information in the transcription would misalign the remaining entries with respect to the headings. Smithsonian Archives have asked we transcribe dittos as " [[Ditto for: text]]