Viewing page 17 of 59

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Saturday June 14th 1873
Time | Bar | Air | Water | Sp.Gr. |Winds
4 am. |  29.94 |  39°  |  39°   |  -  | E.N.E
8 " [[Ditto for: am]] | 29.95 |  40 |    40 |  | " [[Ditto for: E.N.E]]                   
12 M. | 29.90 |  43 |  39  |  |  " [[Ditto for: E.N.E]]
4 P.M. | 29.89 |  42 |  39  |    |   E.
8 " [[Ditto for: P.M.]] | 29.86 |  40  |   39  |     |     N.
12 " [[Ditto for: P.M.]] |  29.85 |  39 |    40 |  |  " [[Ditto for: N.]]
Weather thick & cloudy, wind light. Evening a little fresher.
Sunday June 15th
Time | Bar. |  Air |  Water| Winds
4 A.M.  29.89   38°     40°     N.
8 " [[Ditto for: A.M.]] |  29.91  | 41      39 | N.N.W 
12 M. | 29.96 | 42 |  40 | " [[Ditto for: N.N.W.
4 P.M.  29.97   42      40  " [[Ditto for: N.N.W.]]
8 " [[Ditto for: P.M.]] |  30.00 |  42  |    40 |  " [[Ditto for: N.N.W.]]
12 " [[Ditto for: P.M.]] |  30.01 |  42 |     41 | " [[Ditto for: N.N.W.]]
Wind fresh. Weather cloudy.
Monday June 16th
Time  |  Bar. |  Air | Water | Winds
4 A.M. | 30.06 | 41°  |  40° |   N.
8. " [[Ditto for: A.M.]] | 30.20 |  46  | 41   |  N.N.E
12 M. |  30.25 |  62 | 42  |  " [[Ditto for: N.N.E]]
4 P.M. | 30.26 |  48 | 44 |  N.
8 " [[Ditto for: P.M.]] | 30.29 | 43 |    42 | S.W. by S.
12 " [[Ditto for: P.M.]] | 30.24 | 40 |    41 | " [[Ditto for: S.W. by S.]]
Cloudy & clear by turns. Wind very light.
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About 10 A.M. see Bouldyr Island bearing S. magnetic. At noon having obtained some observations for position placing us in Lat. 52° 56' 41.2"and Long. 175° 38' 20" E.
Sound as follows:
Line run out       Time
   Let go       12 h 40 m. 00sec.
   50  fms      12  40  18
   50  " [[Ditto for: fms]] 12  40  38
  100  " [[Ditto for: fms]] 12  41  34
  100  " [[Ditto for: fms]] 12  43  25
   50  " [[Ditto for: fms]] 12  44  21
   50  " [[Ditto for: fms]] 12  46  05
  100 " [[Ditto for: fms]]  12  44  59
  100 " [[Ditto for: fms]]  12  50  03
  100 " [[Ditto for: fms]]  12  52  29
  200 " [[Ditto for: fms]]  12  56  51
  118 " [[Ditto for: fms]] end of line.     12 59 02                
Total 1.018. " [[Ditto for: fms]] without bottom; the deepest sounding ever taken in Bering Sea. Conditions all favorable; the sea quiet; the sound nearly plumb, and the sand cup with which the 100lb lead was armed came up clean and unscratched, showing that no bottom could have been reached.