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Take the large boat and visit Saranna Bay to the Eastward of Chichagoff Harbor.
This Bay is open to the North and East and affords no anchorage. There are scattered rocks and reefs, most of them visible above the surface at low water. There is a considerable depth of water in the outer part of the Bay but near its head it suddenly shoals and terminates in a broad sand beach a mile long, through which a stream flows on which is a native fishing station. Vessels had better avoid this Bay. Return to the Harbor about 3 P.M. The tide about Attu, as in the Eastern part of the chain, invariably rises to the Westward, and falls to the South and east, causing a strong current near the shores; of which, vessels 
bound for the Harbor with light winds will do well to take notice.
Obtain a few observations for azimuth after returning.
[[solid line]] Tuesday, June 24th 1873 [[solid line]]
[[the following is a chart listing the time of day, barometric pressure, air temperature, surface water temperature, deep do temperature, and wind direction]]
Time Bar. Air Surf. water Deep do Wind
6AM. 30.07 42° 43° 42° North
12 M. 30.05 50 [[no entry for surface water temp or deep do]] " [[ditto for: North]]
6 P.M. 30.03 46 45 [[no entry for deep do]] " [[ditto for: North]]
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Weather thick, wind fresh. Getting ready for sea.
[[solid line]] Wednesday, June 25th 1873. [[solid line]]
[[the following is a chart listing the time of day, barometric pressure, air temperature, surface water temperature, deep do temperature, and wind direction]]
Time Bar. Air Water Deep do Wind
6 A.M. 30.07 46° 44° 42° Calm
12 M. 30.11 56 [[no entry for water temperature or deep do]] N.N.E. Lt
6 P.M. 30.13 48 46 [[no entry for deep do]] Calm
Early in the day, sky covered with broken clouds. Attempt azimuth observations, which are interrupted by clouds, and the weather becomes thick. Wind very light.
[[solid line]] Thursday, June 26th [[solid line]]
[[the following is a chart listing the time of day, barometric pressure, air temperature, surface water temperature, deep do temperature, and wind direction]]
Time Bar. Air Water Deep do Wind
6 A.M. 30.21 46° 44° 42° N.N.E. Lt
12 M. 30.26 56 [[no entry for water temperature or deep do temperature]] N.E. " [[ditto for: Lt]]
6 P.M. 30.26 66 46 [[no entry for deep do temperature]] " " [[ditto for: N.E. Lt]]
Wind light, northerly. Weather thick & foggy. Obs. for magnetic dip by ordinary and Lloyds' Method A.M. and P.M. Late in P.M. sun comes out well and we get four sets of azimuth obs. the best yet obtained. [[solid line]]
[[solid line]] Friday, June 27th [[solid line]]
[[the following is a chart listing the time of day, barometric pressure, air temperature, surface water temperature, deep do temperature, and wind direction]]
Time Bar. Air Water Deep do Wind
6 A.M. 30.22 48° 45° 43° S. Lt
12 M. 30.24 51 -[[for surface water temperature]]  [[no entry for deep do temperature]] N.N.W. Lr
4 P.M. 30.23 51 42 [[no entry for deep do temperature]] N.W.
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]] 30.22 45 42 [[no entry for deep do temperature]] " [[ditto for: N.W.]]
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]] 30.23 44 43 [[no entry for deep do temperature]] " [[ditto for: N.W.]]
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