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fine enough to resemble a coarse slate.  This principally occurs in the vicinity of the eruptive rocks. There are no animals on the island[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]], but a good many sea fowl and a few small land birds. Shell fish and other fish are very scarce except brook trout in the streams. 

There is abundance of good water, but no timber except drift wood, and the rolling hills are covered with a thick growth of grass herbage and moss with a few berry bushes, and cranberry vines interspersed in it. The eatable Archangelica and Fritallaria are abundant. There are a house and some huts on the beach, occupied at times by hunting parties of Alento from the other islands. The only fur is the sea otter, though occasional sea lions are found here. [[solid line]]
[[solid line]] Monday, June 30th 1873. [[solid line]]
[[the following is a chart of the time of day ("time"), barametric pressure ("bar."), air surface temperature ("Air Surf."), some additional temperature ("deep do"), and wind direction ("wind"):]]
Time Bar. Air Surf. Water Deep do Wind
6 A.M. 30.39 44° 42° 41° S.S.W
12 M. 30.30 55[[°?]] [[nothing listed for surface water temperature or deep do temperature]]  N.E.
6 P.M. 30.20 47[[°?]] 42[[°?]] [[nothing listed for deep do]] " [[ditto for: N.E.]]
Dense fog all day, broken by the sun
for a short time at noon.
Spend the day setting up signals, but 
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the weather is too thick to permit of making out a description of them. One tripod signal on the No Head named Kyska signal _ One on the sand bluff near the lake in the middle valley No End signal another 1362.553 m. distant S. 26 E forming the other end of the base line
So End signal. The latter 37.163 mtrs above the water; the former 12.97 meters above it. A fourth bluff signal, on the edge of the high bluff on the So side of the harbor; and a fifth, Cave signal, on the top of the sand stone bluff on the North side of the harbor, which
at the water's edge is hollowed out into numerous shallow caves.
[[solid line]] Tuesday, July 1st 1873. [[solid line]]
[[the following is a chart of the time of day ("time"), barametric pressure ("bar."), air surface temperature ("Air Surf."), some additional temperature ("deep do"), and wind direction ("wind"):]]
Time Bar. Air Surf. Water Deep do. Wind
6 AM. 30.02 43° 41° 41° E.N.E
12 M. 29.92 50[[°]] [[no entry for surface water temp, or deep do temp]] N.E
6 P.M. 29.87 49[[°]] 41[[°]] [[no entry for deep do temp]] Variable
Dense fog all day; can see nothing a few nods off. Wind light and variable.
[[solid line]] Wednesday, July 2d. [[solid line]]
[[the following is a chart of the time of day ("time"), barametric pressure ("bar."), air surface temperature ("Air Surf."), some additional temperature ("deep do"), and wind direction ("wind"):]]
Time Bar. Air Surf. Water Deep do Wind
6 AM. 29.76 45° 42° 42° E.
12 M. 29.76 54[[°]] [[no entry for surface water temp or deep do temp]] S.E.
6 P.M. 29.73 51[[°]] 43[[°]] [[no entry for deep do temp]] S.W.
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