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[[line]] Tuesday, July 15th 1873 cont. [[line]]
Day cloudy with some fog & light wind.
Run shore line & take angles on Little Kyska Id.
[[line]] Wednesday, July 16th [[line]]
Time Bar Air Water Deep do Wind
6 AM. 30.26 44° 41° 42 S.E.
12 PM 30.20 48 S.S.E.
6 P.M. 30.13 48 42 S.
Day rainy with thick fog and light wind.
P.M. Wind strong.
[[line]] Thursday, July 17th [[line]]
Time Bar Air Water Deep do Wind
6 a.m. 29.96 50° 42° 42° S.W.
12 PM. 29.91 50         S.S.W.
6 P.M. 29.77 50 42      W.S.W.
A.M. Stormy with dense fog. P.M. same.
[[line]] Friday, July 18th 1873 [[line]]
Time   Bar   Air  Water Deep do Wind
6 A.M. 29.61  49°  42°   42°     S.W.
12 PM  29.72  54                Variable
6 P.M. 29.84  53   42           Variable
A.M. Heavy wind squalls & fog. P.M. Partly foggy.
Go ashore and run some shore line and take some observations for magnetic azimuth; interrupted by fog.
[[line]] Saturday, July 19th [[line]]
6 a.m. 30.03 51° 42 Lt Variable
12 PM. 30.20 64 S.
6 P.M. 30.30 59 44 Lt. Variable
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[[underlined]] Continued. [[/underlined]]
Day commences with light variable winds, partly clear, but soon clouds over.
Observations for time, interrupted by clouds.
Spend day taking angles from various stations.
[[line]] Sunday, July 20th 1843. [[line]]
Time    Bar.  Air Water Deep do Wind
6 a.m.  30.48 49° 42°           S.
12 p.m. 30.44 54               S.W.
6 P.M.  30.38 51  42           W.
Storms hard all day. Evening see some stars for the second time since June 10th.
[[line]] Monday, July 21st [[line]]
Time   Bar. Air Water Deep do Wind
6 A.M. 30.56 51°  43°  42°     Variable
12 PM  30.59 64               S.E.
6 P.M. 30.55 64   45          Variable
Day perfectly clear; calm or very light airs.
A little fog on the horizon.
Tidal observations, soundings, astronomical azimuth and circum meridian altitudes with the vertical circle take up the day.
In P.M. Capt. Herendeen goes to a peak in the middle of the North part of the island and here he obtains some bearings on distant objects, islands &c as follows:
Reef (end) stretching towards Pillar Rock N.54° W.
Pillar N. 60° W.? (or 62° W.)
Bouldyr Id. (middle) N. 78 W.

Transcription Notes:
Unsure if the stat column title says "Deep do" or "Dup do." Edited to change Dup to Deep Previous pages in other Dall projects have transcribed the line as [[line]] so have edited for consistency to ensure that if the scientists want to remove the markup they can do so easily. -@siobhanleachman