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[[underlined]] Continued [[/underlined]]
N. edge Iron Id. N.70° E.
S. " " " [[dittos for: edge Iron Id.]] N.86 E.
S. " [[ditto for: edge]] Little Sitkin Id. S.88 E.
N. " [[ditto for: edge]] Rat Id. S.75 E.
[[right bracket]]
N.E. corner Little Kyska Id.
S. edge Rat Id. 
Small island off Little Kayska
[[to right of bracket]] in one line S. 75 E. [[/to right of bracket]]
[[/right bracket]]
S. edge Amchitka Id. S.69 E.
Island [[triangle]] 60?  S.55 E.?
South Head [[triangle]] S.41 E.
South End [[triangle]]  S. 4 [[overwritten]] W. [[/overwritten]] E. ? or E.
Astronomical [[triangle]] S.7 [[overwritten]] W. [[/overwritten]] E. [[strikethrough]] ? or E. [[/strikethrough]]
A belt of lowland with lakes, cuts across the island about a mile North of this peak, and between it and the high North peak.
Tuesday July 22 1873
Time Bar. Air Water Deep do Wind
6 A.M. 30.50 52° 44° 43° Variable
12 M.  30.45 65 S.W.
6 P.M. 30.38 66 43 Variable
Morning somewhat foggy, nearly calm. P.M. Wind fresh at intervals, foggy. A.M.take observations for magnetic azimuth and dip. P.M. Tidal observations and sounding. 
[[solid line across page]]
[[solid line from bottom left to top right of preceding solid line]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[solid line]] Wednesday, July 23rd 1873 [[solid line]]
Time Bar. Air Water Deep do Wind
6 A.M. 30.36 52° 44° 43° S.
12 M. 30.35 56 43 " [[ditto for: S.]]
4 P.M. 30.30 53 46 " [[ditto for: S.]]
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]] 30.29 48 43 " [[ditto for: S.]]
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]] 30.25 48 42 S.S.E.
Day very foggy with light winds.
Stand out of the harbor intending to pass between Little Kyska & Iron Id. but a high tide puts us back, so that we were obliged to pass to the North of the latter.
About noon the peak of Chmostoff[[guess]] Id. (supposed) bore S. and that of Iron Id. S. 1/2 S.(distant about 3 miles) by compass. The North edge of the latter at the same time bearing E.S.E. At noon get an observation for position, which shows that these islands are placed considerably too far to the North on the chart. At this time the North peak of Great Kyska Id. bore S. magnetic.
The East slope of Iron Id. is long & even. The ravines be seemingly [[strikethrough]] even [[/strikethrough]] filled with sand of a gray color. The North slope is abrupt & rocky. The West slopes down to a sandy bluff about 100 feet high. Spend the night tacking about in Amchitka passage. 


Transcription Notes:
Edited to add degree symbol also text denoted by ditto (") per instructions to do so