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[[solid line]] Thursday July 24th 1843 [[solid line]]
[[underlined]] Time Bar. Air Water. Deep do Wind [[/underlined]] 
4 AM. 30.20 45  42 - S.S.E.
8 " [[ditto for: AM.]] 30.16 44 43 - " [[ditto for: S.S.E.]]
12 M. 30.08 52 43 - " [[ditto for: S.S.E.]]
6 P.M. 29.99 49 42 - S.E.
Day densely foggy, wind fresh. The fog lifts at times about noon and we make the coast of Amkitcha and after standing in along shore we enter Constantine Harbor and anchor in 8 fms hard sandy bottom about 1P.M. Shortly after this the fog shuts in very thick with rain. This is a very good harbor except in N. and N.E. winds, and during the prevalent Westerly & Southerly winds of summer may be advantageously used. The opening is wide enough for any vessel A kelp patch with 5 fms water on it is in the middle of the outer part of the entrance. The shores are principally low bluffs with bold water but the head of the bay has a sandy beach and close in is shoal. Two sites of old villages exist here; there is plenty of drift wood on the beach & abundance of fresh water. We caught abundance of cod & halibut near the entrance of the bay.
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[[solid line]] Friday, July 25th 1873 [[solid line]]
[[underlined]] Time. Bar. Air. Water Deep do Wind [[/underlined]]
6 A.M. 30.00 46° 42° 42° S.W.
12. M. 30.00 52 " [[ditto for: S.W.]]
6 PM. 30.05 49 42 W.
Day foggy & cloudy, wind light. The boat goes out to sound on the kelp patch finding the least water at low tide to be five fms. She brings back a good supply of fish, the first cod & halibut of good quality obtained since leaving Unalashka.
[[solid line]] Saturday, July 26th [[solid line]]
6 A.M. 30.18. 45° 42° 42°  S.W.
12 M. 30.24 52 S.
6P.M. 30.29. 48 42 S.W.
Day foggy & cloudy, wind light.P.M. Go ashore for time obs. but sun does not come out.
[[solid line]] Sunday, July 24th [[solid line]]
6 A.M. 30.32. 48° 43° 43° S.W.
12 M. 30.39. 62 W.
6 P.M. 30.45. 62 44. S.
Foggy & calm. At noon the sun comes out now & then. Try for circummeridian altitudes with sextant and get a few tolerable ones, then attempt observations for time with poor success.

Transcription Notes:
Edited to add degree symbols, minor corrections and to add text denoted by ditto (") per instructions