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Foggy & rainy. The sun looms through the fog occasionally, and in the P.M. attempt observations for time with the vertical circle, and get one attitude. Wind fresh. Evening rainy. A shock of earthquake followed by another lighter one, was felt this evening about 10h 571/2m. The internal was about three seconds.
______Thursday, July 31st, 1873.______
Time    Bar.  Air Water Deep do. Wind [[all headings underlined]] 
6 A.M.  30.15 52°   43°    43°     S.
12 M.   30.13 54                  S.                                    
6 P.M.  30.10 52    43            S.
Rainy with strong wind & dense fog.
______Friday, Aug. 1st______ 
6 A.M.  29.95 50°   43°    44°     S.
12 M.   29.92 52                  S.                                    
6 P.M.  29.84 50    43            S.
Rainy & stormy all day.Cross the Island and find a bight full of rocks on the opposite side.
______Saturday, Augt. 2nd______ 
6 A.M.  29.79 50°   43°    44°     S.
12 M.   29.84 49                  S.                                    
6 P.M.  29.90 50    42            S.
Wind fresh fog very thick.
Rains and storms all day. ______
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______Sunday, Augt. 3rd 1873.______
Time    Bar.  Air  Water  Deep do   Wind[[all headings underlined]]
6 AM.   30.08 49°   42°    43°       S.
12 M.   30.10 52                    S.E.                                    
6 P.M.  30.11 51    42              E.S.E.
Wind more moderate. Rainy & stormy.
______Monday, Augt. 4th______
6 AM.   30.26 50°    42°     42°     Calm
12 M.   30.24 53                    S.E.
6 P.M.  30.24 52     42             E.
Foggy. Rains & blows all day.
______Tuesday, Augt. 5th______
6 AM.   30.24 50°    42°     42°     E.
12 M.   30.25 56                    E.
6 P.M.  30.26 54     42             E.
Foggy rainy and stormy.  P.M. weather settles a little, but wind remains the same.
______Wednesday, Aug. 6th______
6 A.M.  30.34 52°    42°     43°     E.
12 M.   30.32 59                    E.
4 P.M.  30.33 55     44             E.
8 P.M.  30.32 50     43             S.S.E.
12 P.M. 30.30 48     45             S.S.E.
Morning half clear with fresh wind, and streaks of fog constantly passing over.  Observations for latitude, time & azimuth.  These completed, stand out of the harbor about 1 P.M. when it shuts down thick, with very light winds. _____