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[[underlined]] Continued. [[/underlined]]
Take the large boat, 2nd mate and three men and go down to the S° point of the bay to examine an opening there, which promised from a glimpse I had into it from the vessel while tracking yesterday to afford an anchorage. Go in and find that the point is part of an island and behind it passing through a passage a quarter of a mile or more wide we come into a small bay enclosed by islands, where an anchorage may be had secure in all winds in 15 fms. hard bottom.
The soundings in the passage give 5 fms as the least water in a bed of kelp, which crosses the channel, and elsewhere it ranges from 9 to 18 fms. There are several openings by which a vessel may reach the open strait, but none wide enough to admit a heavy sea. Return to vessel at noon. Capt. Herendeen has examined the entrance to a large bay at the head of Chagakh Bay, which seemed to offer a secure anchorage, but found only 9 feet of water on a bar which was across the entrance. About 1 P.M. weigh anchor and proceed to the new anchorage behind the small islands. Take the small boat after arriving & examine the ramifications of the bay, and find a large bay with several narrow entrances, but completely land-locked lying behind the islands. There is very deep water in this bay & several large streams fall into it. It is about 5 miles long and 2 miles wide.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[solid line]] Sunday, Augt. 10th 1873. [[solid line]]
[[underlined]] Time Bar Air Water Deep do Wind [[/underlined]]
6 AM. 30.19 47° 43° 45° W. 
12 M. 30.24 55 " [[ditto for: W.]]
6 P.M. 30.29 50 44 " [[ditto for: W.]] 
Day foggy & cloudy.  Wind fresh at intervals.
[[solid line]] Monday, Augt. 11th [[solid line]]
6 A.M. 30.40 50° 45° 45° N.W. 
12 M. 30.44 56 " [[ditto for: N.W.]]
6 P.M.  30.46 52 43 " [[ditto for: N.W.]]
Wind fresh; weather half clear with drifting clouds. Obs. for latitude, time & azimuth. Fill water and get ready for sea.
[[solid line]] Tuesday, Augt. 12th [[solid line]]
6 A.M. 30.45 56° 48° 45° Lt Variable
12 M. 30.40 62 " [[ditto for: Lt Variable]]
6 P.M.  30.34 52 46 " [[ditto for: Lt Variable]]
Day foggy with light winds & a little sun occasionally. Obs. for time in A.M. interrupted by fog.
P.M. very thick fog.
[[solid line]] Wednesday, Augt. 13th [[solid line]]
6 A.M. 30.26 52° 49° 44° Calm
12 M. 30.24 56 Lt N.W.
4 P.M. 30.20 53 46 " [[ditto for: Lt]] N
8 P.M.  30.20 51 49 " [[ditto for: Lt]] E.S.E.
12 P.M. 30.20 51 50 " " [[dittos for: Lt E.S.E.]]
Morning foggy, with very light airs. About noon manage to work out of the harbor.

Transcription Notes:
Edited to make minor corrections and to add text denoted by ditto (") per instructions