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60     -----  Continued.  -----
like a bidarka and cross the portage to
examine the old anchorage at Korovinsky
Bay.  On our way over visit the hot springs
on the slope of Klucheffskaia Volcano.
These springs contain sulphur, lime &
alum.  They have a temperature of 164° Fah
and the water deposits a variety of red, blue
and white clays about the orifices of the
geysers.  The body of water issuing is not
large and seems to be diminishing.
The Russians formerly had a bathhouse
& retreat for invalids here, but the great
distance from the shore (about 5 miles)
and the very fatiguing climb up to reach
the plateau on which the springs are situated
render them difficult of access for persons
in a weak condition.  They are reached
from the head of a long bay making up
from the old harbor where a large [[overstrike]]spring[[/overstrike]]
stream enters in which is a great abundance
of salmon.  This bay is very shoal,
its bottom and shores stony and the depth
of water rarely exceeding one fathom.
Reaching the settlement towards evening
I found that the spits which enclose
the bay formerly entered by vessels
are composed of large boulders with a
little sand on the outer face of the Eastern

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          -----  Continued.  -----        61

one, and the inner face of the Western
one.  Between the two there is a sand bar
with three fathoms on it at high water
and about two at ordinary low water.
The inner bay has become very shoal
so that it is now inexpedient for vessels
to enter, whereas formerly the Company's
brigs were able to make a good harbor
to the N. & W. of the entrance.  There are
abundance of shellfish here, cod in their
season, and halibut, but little driftwood.
The inhabitants number about 100 souls.
There are several good houses and a church
rapidly falling into decay.
This settlement from the abundance
of food, is much better suited to the
requirements of the Aleuts, than that on
Hazan Bay, but the harbor is no longer
available, though Klinkofstrom Harbor
on the other side of Korovinsky Bay is
said to be well protected.
-----  Tuesday, Augt. 26th 1873.  -----
Time      Bar.      Air     Water   Deepdo    Wind
-------  -------   ------  ------- ------  ------
6  a.m.    30.50     52°     47°     44°     S.W.
12 M.      30.44     62                    W.S.W.
6  P.M.    30.41     60      48              W.
Day cloudy with clear sky occasionally.
Foggy in P.M. Observations for latitude un

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