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Rainy with half a gale blowing from the S. & E. in P.M.  Capt. Holder arrives from the wreck in a bidarka and remains all night.
______Thursday, Octr. 16th 1873.______
Time    Bar.  Air Water Deep do Wind[[all headings underlined]]
6 AM.   29.37 43°  48°   461/2°  S
12 M.   29.48 44                " [[ditto for: S]]
6 P.M.  29.43 39  48            S.S.W.
Rainy and stormy all day.
______Friday, Octr. 17th 1873.______
6 AM.   29.52 43°  46°   461/2°  W.S.W.
12 M.   29.68 60                W.
6 P.M.  29.79 47  48            " [[ditto for: W]]
Day clear with moderate Westerly wind.  Obs. for magnetic and solar azimuth with Theodolite; latitude & time with vertical circle at Sandpoint [[triangle]].  9 P.M. Capt Holder, D. Shirpder[[?]] & four men arrive from wreck of Schr "Wm Irelan" for passage down.
______Saturday, Octr. 18th______
6 AM.   29.94 41°  45°   461/2°  W.N.W.
12 M.   30.10 46  46            " [[ditto for: W.N.W.]]
4 P.M.  30.20 46  46            N.W.
8 P.M.  30.29 46  46            " [[ditto for: N.W.]]
12 P.M. 30.34 44  44            " [[ditto for: N.W.]]
Day half clear with moderate Westerly wind.
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Sail for San Francisco at 7 A.M. ____
______Sunday, Octr. 19th 1873.______
Time    Bar.  Air Water Wind[[all headings underlined]]
4 AM    30.40 44° 47°    S.W.
8 AM    30.41 44  47    " [[ditto for: S.W.]]
12 M.   30.43 45  46    " [[ditto for: S.W.]]
4 P.M.  30.40 45  47    S.
8 P.M.  30.37 44  47    " [[ditto for: S.]]
12 P.M. 30.29 45  47    S.S.E.
Cloudy with moderate winds in a.m. and strong breeze in P.M.
______Monday, Octr. 20th______
4 AM.   30.15 47° 48°    S.E.
8 AM.   30.00 47  47     " [[ditto for: S.E.]]
12 M.   29.92 47  47     " [[ditto for: S.E.]]
4 PM.   29.81 48  48     " [[ditto for: S.E.]]
8 PM.   29.90 49  48     S.W.
12 PM.  30.03 48  48     S.S.W.
Half a gale from S.E. with rain & heavy sea.
______Tuesday, Octr. 21st 1873.______
4 AM.   30.15 48°  48°   S.S.W.
8 AM.   30.26 48  48     " [[ditto for: S.S.W.]]
12 M.   30.38 57  47     " [[ditto for: S.S.W.]]
4 P.M.  30.42 52  49     " [[ditto for: S.S.W.]]
8 P.M.  30.52 52  50     " [[ditto for: S.S.W.]]
12 P.M. 30.55 50  50    S.S.E.
Cloudy, wind moderate all day with heavy S.W. Swell. ____