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Many cross vein visible on leaf blades and bracts of spikelet- Infloreset born in axil? of one small leave [[strikethrough]] with small blade. Infl. large spike? or spiket?. Bracts green herbaceous, and ! coming out [[strikethrough]] throng the side a single style partially covers by a kind of tube [[strikethrough? or image?]] Style [[parere?]] with very short stigmatic [[pores?]]. Old inflr [[strikethrough]] show [[end page]] [[start page]] very ! large bract persistent on a rachis? empty and with a "something" at the base. Leaves with a thicker elbow or articulation at base of petiole and top of sheath Some flora in forest also large Marantaceae and [[strikethrough]] [[cover?]] a large Rutacea ([[Talon?]] colected). Very large and tall trees. The clump with flower growing near a huge Ficus