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brown hairs, [[spring?]]  when [[young?]] they fall or they mature. In mature culm sheath [[persist?]] long look bad, thicker shrink, fibrous at base, and blade reflexed, showing long [[white?]] [[angle?]] [[?]].

One thick main axis, repeated at base. [[One?]] ridge of it or very low? on [[?]] one 1, 2 or 3 very thin branches [[?]] base. Very prominent central 

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extend long, on every node. 

Branch primordia [[?]], [[cover?]] by long brachts and [[prophylls]], persistent long. 

Leaves thin, delicate narrow [[glabrous?]] - Culm sheath. green and white (wax?) pretty and [[?]] hairs on top branch. 

[[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] Nodes well marked, black or [[dark?]] we of band [[strikethrough]]? [[/strikethrough]] on lower ridge (+- like [[?]])