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Atractanthe cardinalis
(in flower!
[Men?] de [Mero?], [Estroda?] [Meo?] -
Olivenca, 5 Km N. of [Mero?]
Alt. 55 m. [?].
Flower in male [?], control type of forest
+/- sandy soil, +/- low type of trees, lots of [Pianoba?] mixed in [sometime?] with big Merotachy and in other flores with A. asymetrica.
Few patches with bamboo still fresh

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and alive. This one blooming and some in [anthers?]. Beautiful! Many already died
Atractanthe died after flowering.  No fruit found
Inflor. terminal to branches with leaf comple-ment. some also axilar to terminal leaves of complement
Blade of bract develop in inflor. [leaves?] are in cores like normal leaves. Usually 5-6 spikelet in each [?]. In linear develop